Happy, Joyous, Free
Online Recovery Committee Anonymous

Serving chat meetings at StepChat.com
Service Files
A.A. Meetings
Al-Anon Meetings
ACOA Meetings
N.A. Meetings
C.A. Meetings
Copy-Paste Instructions
Meeting Schedules

Join Email List

Official Sites
Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Cocaine Anonymous

The Online Recovery Committee Anonymous (ORCA) is a group of volunteers who provide service to the 12-step program participants and recovery groups in the meeting rooms at StepChat.com.

Members of ORCA also volunteer to help train others who would like to learn how to chair or server as greeters during our online meetings. To contact our volunteer training committee, send an email message to: [email protected].

NOTE: Orcas are very large mammals with slow migration patterns and large blow holes. . . who cannot survive without each other.