Happy, Joyous, Free
Online Recovery Committee Anonymous

Serving chat meetings at StepChat.com
Service Files
A.A. Meetings
Al-Anon Meetings
ACOA Meetings
N.A. Meetings
C.A. Meetings
Copy-Paste Instructions
Meeting Schedules

ORCA's Home

Official Sites
Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Cocaine Anonymous

The Online Recovery Committee Anonymous (ORCA) is a volunteer group of site users providing service to the 12-step program participants and recovery groups in the meeting rooms at StepChat.com.

If you would like to provide service to your fellowship meetings by chairing, greeting or even starting a new meeting, we have volunteers who can help you in getting started. To contact our volunteer committee, send an email message to: [email protected].

NOTE: Orcas are very large mammals with slow migration patterns and large blow holes. . . who cannot survive without each other.