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Android: Download the App
The Blab! G App is a generic app from Google Play that works with all Blab software-based chat rooms It will only work with our StepChat rooms if you use the code below. After you install the app on your Android smartphone and run it you must type in the case-sensitive code below or the application is useless. The first time you run the Blab! G app, you will type in the 2SONbsc code. You won't be asked for the code again. The app will log you on to StepChat, just as the Login to Chat Now link on the home page will. StepChat Code: 2SONbscInstall a direct login on your iPhone home screen with our progressive web application (WPA). Click on the Install button below, then click Menu then click Add to Home Scree. This app can also be installed on any Android spartphone as well as on any desktop or laptop computer if you use a Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari browser when you click the link below. |